
Improving disorders of the musculoskeletal system and their associated pains 
The term ‘physiotherapy’ encompasses those principles and methods that seek to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. More precisely, the aim here is to treat and cure muscle, ligament and joint disorders.  

Typical areas of application:
  • Disorders/pain of the musculoskeletal system
  • Rehabilitation after accident/surgery
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Manual lymphatic drainage with CDT

Taking targeted actions to prevent the swelling and hardening of body tissue 
Manual lymphatic drainage uses specific skin massage techniques that stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluids as well as the drainage of the lymph. This type of therapy is most commonly applied to prevent the hardening of tissue, which is often the result of an increase in lymphatic fluid. Therefore, manual lymphatic drainage is an important element of complex decongestive therapy (CDT), which itself consists of the following four components: 
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Compression therapy
  • Skin care
  • Decongestive kinesitherapy
Effective manual lymphatic drainage is guaranteed only if all of the above components are exercised in combination.  

Areas of application: 
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PNF - Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

Regaining control over body movements and posture  
The purpose of PNF stretching is to ease (facilitate) the control over body movements and posture. 

Should the effective performance of everyday movements be impaired or restricted, based on the individual’s symptoms, PNF therapy can help restore those abilities accurately and as best as possible. 

Areas of application:
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Preventative training 
(Nordic walking & back exercises) 

Preventing pain as well as boosting endurance and stamina   
Nordic Walking:
Nordic walking was initially developed as a training method for professional skiers but has since gained popularity among leisure activity enthusiasts. Moreover, it has been recognised in the context of a wide range of therapies. 

The use of specialist poles means that both legs and upper body muscles are being exercised. The focus here lies on applying the correct technique as this will ensure the best possible training outcome for you. 

It will be my pleasure to teach you the techniques required, either on a 1-2-1 basis or in small groups, so that you can walk with confidence and enjoy the many benefits of being in the outdoors. 

Back exercises:
In today’s society, back pain is increasingly the result of poor posture and/or a lack of physical activity. Everyday activities such as long commutes, spending many hours in front of the computer and carrying heavy shopping bags are among the probable causes for issues in your day-to-day life. 

You are in pain or are eager to prevent potential ailments?

Together, we will analyse the challenges that arise from your activities of daily life (i.e. posture in front of the computer) and find viable solutions that suit you. I will demonstrate the exercises necessary and draft a personalised training plan. 

It is my aim to improve and steady your posture using tailored exercises, so that you are able to enjoy a life without pain. 
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Easing muscle tension and improving blood circulation 
In general, the massage is defined as a manipulation of skin, connective tissue and muscles with the aim of reducing tension and pain. The application of stimuli through stretching, tension and pressure leads to the different tissues moving against each other. This, in turn, encourages blood circulation, increases mobilisation and helps break up adhesions and scar tissue.  

The traditional massage follows a specific sequence of techniques whose intensity increases over the course of the treatment. The aim is to ease pain, encourage skeletal muscle blood flow and regulate muscle tension among others. 
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Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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